1. How to create a new MetaMask wallet?
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Download and install the official MetaMask extension (also known as a plugin or add-on) for your chosen browser. For most people, this is the Google Chrome extension or the Firefox addon.
You must agree to the terms and conditions and click ‘Create a new wallet.’
Next, you will have to agree to MetaMask’s data usage policy to continue.
You will have to create a password for your MetaMask wallet. You must agree to the terms and conditions and click ‘Create a new wallet.’
On the next page, you will find information and a video tutorial about crypto wallet recovery phrases.
Click on ‘Secure my wallet.’
On the next page, you will find the 12-word secret recovery phrase. Click ‘Reveal secret recovery phrase.’ 📢IMPORTANT📢: MetaMask will then present you with your 12-word backup phrase. You’ll need to write this phrase down carefully, with the words recorded in the same order displayed on your screen. This phrase will be needed to recover your wallet should you ever lose access to your computer, and should be kept stored somewhere safe. Anybody who has access to your 12-word backup phrase will have access to the funds in your MetaMask wallet, so keep it private.
In the next step, you will have to confirm the 12-word secret recovery phrase by entering the words in the same order saved previously. After entering the words, Confirm button become clickable. Click ‘Confirm’ to continue. 📢IMPORTANT📢: MetaMask will then present you with your 12-word backup phrase. You’ll need to write this phrase down carefully, with the words recorded in the same order displayed on your screen. This phrase will be needed to recover your wallet should you ever lose access to your computer, and should be kept stored somewhere safe. Anybody who has access to your 12-word backup phrase will have access to the funds in your MetaMask wallet, so keep it private.
You have now almost completed the MetaMask setup process. Click 'Got it' to continue.
A few tips to improve your user experience
Click ‘Done.’
Your MetaMask wallet is now ready to use.