4. How do I transfer my existing ETH and tokens to MetaMask?
You can send ETH and tokens from another wallet to a new MetaMask account. Simply copy your new MetaMask public address and go to your existing wallet or exchange to send funds to your new wallet address.
For example
Get your MetaMask wallet address
Open MetaMask
Select your account
Copy the address (Your wallet address is located under your account name. It starts with "0x". Click on it to copy the address.)
Sending cryptocurrency from another wallet (Trust Wallet, Coinbase Wallet, etc)
Open another wallet.
Select cryptocurrency to transfer. Go to the cryptocurrency management section and select the cryptocurrency you want to send (for example, ETH or any other ERC-20 token).
Click on the "Submit" or "Withdraw" button.
Paste the copied MetaMask address into the recipient address field.
Specify the amount of cryptocurrency you want to transfer.
Make sure the correct network is selected (e.g. Ethereum Mainnet for ERC-20 tokens).
Please review all transaction details and confirm submission. Confirmation using a password or other security measures will usually be required.
If you have a cryptocurrency exchange (for example, Binance, Coinbase)
Log in to your exchange account.
Go to the withdrawal section, "Withdraw" or "Send" section.
Select the Ethereum Mainnet for ERC-20 tokens you want to send to MetaMask.
Paste your MetaMask wallet address into the withdrawal field.
Be sure to select the Ethereum (ERC-20) network.
Specify the amount of cryptocurrency to transfer.
Confirm the withdrawal details and complete the transaction. Typically you need to pass two-factor authentication (2FA).
Last updated