VDC-1: The Initiative Structure
* VERV DAO > Concepts > The Initiative Structure
* CAN/ALLOW โย This concept and license allows you to do this
* CAN NOT/NOT ALLOWED โ This concept and license does not allow you to do this
* MUST/ALWAYS/REQUIRED โ This concent and license requires you to implement this
* RECOMMENDED โย This is voluntary suggestion, you can accept or deny it by will.
* VDC-1: The Initiative Structure
* Initiative is a Request to Change from the Stakeholders with Authority Power to the
* Cybernetic System ruled by the Stateless Society Concept (VDC-0). We believe that only
* voluntary cooperation and free will of
* the all parties are the key components of the Organic Efficiency (VDC-2) which is
* vital component of the whole Cybernetic System.
* Each Initiative has an unique identificator. Scope of this document does not limit
* architects in the format, but we higly recommend ULID or UUID formats at least for
* nowadays.
* Then it's an image which is basically an URL in decentralized crypto CDN (IPFS-like)
* TITLE โ put it to the highlights
* DESCRIPTION โ Too Long, Dont Read.
* MOTIVATION โ this is a data structure that holds URL, CONTENT and AI. URL holds
* a network identifier of the resource, CONTENT holds summarized content written
* by author and AI is an object that holds summary and concerns from AI.
* Initial prompt is ALWAYS provided. Author MUST provide valid, fair, objective
* motivation for this change request in the System.
* AUTHOR โย it is User, Node or Alien for the System. It can be single entity or hold
* multiple objects (Co-Authors).
* CATEGORY โ is a tag that is AI generated to keep things structured. They are being
* re-arranged from time-to-time both by hands and algorithms (RECOMMENDED).
* POLL โย This structure contains everything about the poll that is attached to the
* initiative
* MERGE_REQUESTS โย Authors are welcomed to make changes that they want to make in
* the System by their own. Ideally it should be a fork of the repository of the
* System, and separate Merge Request is provided.
* TRACTION โย This is reports, complains, messages, and other events that are
* recorded and attached to this initiative.
* TREASURY โย Author can accept investments and donations with this initiative. This
* concept is not regulating the structure and rules of the treasury management.
* ROADMAP โย Author has several steps to implement. Maybe he requires funding. Maybe
* he need an advice. Maybe he has everything fullfilled. Anyway, he has a plan
* with Milestones that are described with KPI. So, if Author is getting funding
* and promises 1M DAU in 3 months, it can be added to smartcontract
* OPINIONS โ Any Initiative should be discussed by the major groups of any DAO:
* a) All users of the DAO b) Protocol Enforcement Node c) Protocol Advisory Node
* d) Protocol Observation Node
* BUDGET โ This is an Estimate that shows where funds are being
* DECISION โย This data structure contains everything about the decision related
* to the Initiative. decision.authority.power is collection of votes. They CAN
* be public or anonymous.
* You CAN add new traits and properties to the structure. Keep it organized and
* follow the YAGNI principle.
* You CAN NOT delete existing traits, duplicate them, or somehow manipulate with
* the original idea.
* You CAN extend traits and properties until it has a valid reason to change.
* AI-generated content MUST be labeled
* You CAN set dates in any format
* You CAN set any measuring units, SI Units (metric) is RECOMMENDED
* You CAN set any decision.method, but 1/2, 2/3, 3/4 and 1 are RECOMMENDED
* Data in the Initiative CAN be encrypted and be available only for the limited
* amount of DAO users.
* PEN, PON, PAN CAN be named differently, but they need to always have only 1
* dao-wide verified orchestration node (ref: C-level management), only 1 dao-wide
* verified observation node (ref: unions), only 1 dao-wide verified advisory node
* (ref: ?)
* Copyright (c) 2024. VERV DAO, Public License.
* This is original message of the VERV's Foundation Manifest shown as an example
* of how message could be structured.
"id": "...",
"image": "...",
"title": "VERV DAO Freedom Manifest. Follow the Light side",
"description": "We, people of the VERV DAO, want to show you another way โ
way of peace, effictive production, freedom, universal basic income
and self-governance. Where your expertise and knowledge are highly valued and
appreciated, where you can operate on 150% without mental burnouts.
We are Stateless Society.
We are Cybernetic Society.
We are VERV DAO.
We are free people of the Earth without artifical borders.", // TL;DR
"motivation": {
"url": "https://docs.vervdao.org/concept/motivation",
"content": "TBA",
"ai": {...}
"author": {
"node": {
"name": "PEN",
"level": 0,
"image": "TBA",
"speaker": {...}
"category": {/* AI generated */},
"poll": {
"options": [
"I'm a citizen of the VERV DAO and confirm the statement in the description",
"I'm a resident of the VERV DAO and confirm the statement in the description",
"I'm an associate of the VERV DAO and confirm the statement in the description",
"I'm an observer and confirm the statement in the description",
"I'm an observer and do not confirm the statement in the description",
"I do not confirm the statement in the description",
"I confirm the statement in the description",
"duration": {
"start": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS",
"end": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS",
"days": 30,
"vote": {
"cost": {
"method": "flat", // flat, algorithm or concept name
"payload": 1.00, // value
"fee": {
"amount": "TBA",
"currency": "VRV",
"source": "voter",
"destination": "dao.treasury.infrastructure",
"weight": 0, // Disallow weights. 1 voter = 1 Authority Power.
"currency": "VRV",
"source": "voter",
"destination": "this.treasury",
"type": "public", // public, anonymous, limited
"limit": 0, // 0 = unlimited, 1 = only 1 vote allowed per poll
"policies": {
"group_by": "confirm/do not confirm",
"new_option": ["citizen"], // New options can be added by Citizen role
"decision": {
"id": "...",
"method": "3/4", // 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 1 (consensus)
"authority": {
"name": "MAU (All) of the VERV DAO",
"power": [...], // Votes
"url": "...",
"in_force": {
"from": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS",
"to": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS",
"opinions": {
"public": {...},
"pan": {...},
"pen": {...},
"pon": {...},
"budget": {...},
"status": "draft",
"merge_requests": [...], // Links to repositories with changes (if applied)
"traction": [...],
"treasury": {...},
"roadmap": {...},
Last updated