3. How to use MetaMask's Buy feature to fund your wallet?
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Open your MetaMask wallet and make sure the Ethereum Mainnet is selected at the top of the screen. This ensures that you are using the ERC-20 network for any transactions. Always check your wallet address in MetaMask to ensure it starts with "0x" and matches an address that supports ERC-20 tokens.
Connect your MetaMask wallet to portfolio.metamask.io
Click the “Buy” tab to get started
Select your region
Select payment method
Select the token and network you want to purchase on (example: ETH on Ethereum)
Enter the amount desired in fiat (example: $100 of ETH)
All quotes from the different available providers will be presented and select one to continue.
You'll be securely redirected to their website to complete the purchase and funds will be deposited in your MetaMask wallet.
Choose a reliable cryptocurrency buying platform that supports deposits to ERC-20 network addresses. Some popular platforms include Coinbase, Binance, Kraken, and others. Make sure that when purchasing cryptocurrency using fiat you specify that you want ERC-20 based cryptocurrency. This can be specified in the transaction settings or in the network selection section.